Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who I Am

in january 2009 i anticipated becoming an active and awesome blogger.

well, one year later, i think it is time to get this show on the road.

i hope to use this blog to exhibit some of my work and highlight some artists/publications that i find both wonderful and important on some level.

so what kind of artist am i?

i am a photographer; i am a student. i dabble in other media- video, sculpture, metalsmithing.

as a student, i spend more time fulfilling assignments than stepping closer to these faraway goals. thus much of the work i will showcase here will not necessarily be in the style that i hope to pursue in my professional life. college has taught me to be versatile and to obtain as many different skills as possible.

i think that anything can be art, but not everything is art. art is dependent on its creator. if i make something and present as art then i expect it to be judged as such. no matter how terrible my work is, no one else has the right to say that it is not art.

i spent last summer in china with my sister. traveling through the remote villages and impoverished towns of this developing nation greatly influenced my goals and my worldview.

i firmly believe that art, and photography in particular, has the power to change the world. my ultimate life goal is to travel the world, photographing poverty and oppression, bringing these issues into the public eye. western news media reports statistics; i am interested in the humanity behind the statistic; i am interested in educating the world.

with that, i will leave you with possibly the most beautiful woman i have ever photographed...